Daily Balance Report

The Daily Balance report gives a summary of all payment and refund transactions within a day as well as the payment method. It also provides a brief overview of the reservation.

You can only pull this report one day at a time. Before switching the Balance Date, make sure the report completes its first run. You can also select a start and end time to narrow down hours during the day. This comes in handy when work-campers only work half a day and you need to count their tills at the end of their shift. 

Let's go through the totals at the top of the report. 

Gross: All revenue (payments and refunds) taken in during the date and time range selected.

Refunds: All money refunded in the the selected time frame.

Net: Revenue minus refunds and booking fees. 

Credit: All revenue taken in using credit as the form of payment (includes booking fees, minus any credit refunds).

Cash: All revenue taken in using cash as the form of payment (minus any cash refunds).

Check: All revenue taken in using check as the form of payment (minus any check refunds). 

Off-Line: All revenue taken using the "Taken Off-line" payment method (minus any refunds of this type). The offline type is when a different form of payment using applications like Square or other terminals that are not connected to our system. 

There is no column for payment kept when a reservation is cancelled. Meaning, the Payment/Refund column will show only the refund.

Next, let's review the details of the report.

We'll be using the example picture below to explain the different columns and the totals at the top of the page. 

When looking at the report, we have lots of data being pulled for each transaction. We have a hyperlinked reservation number, a hyperlinked invoice number, the name of the camper, the site they are in, the payment amount (or refund if applicable), the remaining balance, the payment method, and the reservation source. 

Reservation Number: This is hyperlinked so that you can easily click into it and view the reservation details. Note: it may be best to right-click and open in a new tab if you want to continue with the same place in the report as each time you leave and go back, the report will run again. Just be sure not to view more than one reservation at a time as it can cause issues if you make any changes to the reservation.

Invoice Number: This is also hyperlinked so that you can view the invoice to print for the camper or the office. Note: it may be best to right-click and open in a new tab if you want to continue with the same place in the report as each time you leave and go back, the report will run again. Just be sure not to view more than one invoice at a time as it can cause issues if you make any changes to the reservation.

Name: The account name on the invoice.

Site: If the invoice is connected to a reservation, this is the site reserved.

Payment/refund: This shows the total on each invoice listed where a payment and/or refund was made during the date and time range pulled. If there was only a refund made that day for an invoice, it will show as a negative amount in column. If a payment and refund were processed on the same day pulled, this column adds the payment and refund to show what was taken in. If it comes to $0 taken in, for example, a payment for $100 was taken and then refunded $100, the invoice will be listed but the column will be blank. Another example is where only a portion was refunded of the total payment. In the above report, the reservation for Tom Holland was cancelled, a $5.00 booking fee was kept so the $5.00 appears in the column rather than the refund of $42.00. Here is what the invoice shows:

Remaining Balance: If only a deposit or partial payment was taken, the remaining balance on the invoice will appear here. Notice for John Legend's invoice, a -$5.00 appears in the remaining balance column. This is because the camper overpaid by $5.00. This could occur if a discount is applied after a camper pays in full and signifies a credit is owed to the camper. 

Method(s) Paid: This will show the payment type(s) made on the invoice for the date and time range pulled. If only one type was processed for the range pulled, that is all that will show. If multiple payment types are used, both will show. For example, a partial payment is taken using the camper's credit card and then they pay the remaining balance in cash, both payment types will appear in the column. If they make two separate payments using the same payment method, it will show as "credit,credit" or "cash,cash," etc. Note: We have an existing bug where all refunds are shown as "credit" and not the payment method the refund was made from.

Reservation Source: This states how the reservation was placed - manually or online and who placed it if it was placed manually (internal/in office). If this invoice is not connected to a reservation, this column is blank.

If you have any further questions about this report, please contact "[email protected]."

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