Platform 2.0 - Dashboard Colors

The Dashboard shows reservations' states in different colors to help have an easy way to see the state of the reservation. The following details what each one means.

Dashboard Bar/Color Description

Light Grey (Hexcode #D5D5D5 - Light Grey)

Reservation in Draft state.

Shows "Draft" if guest name not entered yet. If guest name entered, will show.

Orange (Hexcode #FF9745 - Sunshade)

Reservation requested and waiting approval.

Dark Grey (Charcoal) (Hexcode #7F7F7F - Grey)

Site is blocked, no reservation.

Dark Blue (Hexcode #25A2B7 - Pelorous)

Reservation created and is not paid in full.

Light Blue (Hexcode #D3ECF1 - Oyster Bay)

Reservation created and is paid in full.

Dark Green (Hexcode #39842B - Bilboa)

Reservation checked in and is not paid in full.

Light Green (Hexcode #D7E6D5 - Apple Green)

Reservation checked in and is paid in full.

Orange (Hexcode #FF9745 - Sunshade)

Campground sent a change suggestion to guest.

Current reservation will keep same color but have white diagonal lines if it is a site change.

The suggested change is in Orange.

Both bars will show on the dashboard. This is not a duplicate reservation.

Orange (Hexcode #FF9745 - Sunshade)

Campground sent a change suggestion to guest to add an inventory item to reservation.

The current state of the reservation will remain and another bar in orange will show as well. This is not a duplicate reservation.

Light Grey (Hexcode #EEEEEE - Grey)

Reservation is complete.

If you have any questions or what the colors on the Dashboard mean, please reach out at [email protected] and we can review it with you.

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