Revenue by Type Report

The Revenue by Type report shows data based on payments/refunds done during the date range pulled broken out by types. 

Selecting your Date Range to Pull the Report: You can pull this report for a specific window of time, a few days, a week, or a month. Before changing the date range you are viewing, you should allow the initial pull to complete otherwise the report will display results from the date range shown when entering the report. This applies to changing date ranges for multiple report runs. Note: While this report allows you to select multiple months at a time, we highly recommend pulling two weeks to a month only as depending on the size of your campground, the report may not run to completion. Smaller windows during busier periods will ensure the report pulls completely. 

Top of Report:

Payouts: This is meant to sum all revenue that has been paid out from Stripe to your bank account. Note: The integration to pull this information is still not complete so Payouts will always show 0 (zero).

Net: All payment types summed up. For Stripe payments, should only include what was in the payouts and should have Stripe fees removed. If a refund is completed, that amount would be taken out. Booking fees are not included. Note: Since the Stripe integration to report payouts is not complete, the Net does not include any Stripe payments. For this reason, you should currently only use this as a total of non-Stripe payments.

Total Capital: Total of the Capital calculation in details of report for the date range pulled includes all payments and refunds totaled. Taxes and Stripe fees are included in the total. Booking fees are not included.


Column definitions:

Type: This is the item type that is being paid for or refunded. Site type, reservation extras and/or inventory items will show here if there was an invoice paid for during the date range viewing. If you have not sold an item during this time period, it will not show on this report. Note: The "Reservation Extras" type is your security deposits, extra person, vehicle, and pet charges. Property fees are also included in this type.

Net: All payments taken for the specific type. For Stripe payments, it will only include what was in the payouts and should have Stripe fees removed. If a refund is processed, that amount would be taken out. Booking fees are not included in this figure. Note: Since the Stripe integration to report payouts is not complete, the Net does not include any Stripe payments. For this reason, you should currently only use this as a total of non-Stripe payments.

Capital: All revenue (payments and refunds) taken in during the date range selected for the Type. Does not include booking fees.

Revenue: All payments and refunds for type, minus taxes and booking fees.

Tax Exempt Revenue: Any payments and refunds on an invoice that are marked tax exempt. You can see below that the baseball hats were marked as tax exempt, so the entirely of their revenue appeared in the tax exempt column. Note: There is a current issue where this is showing the full line item amount due and not what was actually paid.

Tax columns: This is based on taxes set on your campground and each item type.

Invoice #'S: Lists all invoices that the are for the type. They are hyperlinked so that you can view the invoice. Note: it may be best to right-click and open in a new tab if you want to continue with the same place in the report as each time you leave and go back, the report will run again. Just be sure not to view more than one invoice at a time as it can cause issues if you make any changes to the reservation.

Invoice #'S: No Account: Lists all invoices that the are for the type where the camper account was deleted without moving the invoice to another account. They are hyperlinked so that you can view the invoice. Note: it may be best to right-click and open in a new tab if you want to continue with the same place in the report as each time you leave and go back, the report will run again. Just be sure not to view more than one invoice at a time as it can cause issues if you make any changes to the reservation.

Payout #'S: Currently not reported. This will be Stripe payout IDs.

How does this report calculate payments and refunds?

When an invoice is paid in full within the date range you are viewing, it is easy to see the amounts paid to each line item on the invoice distributed across item types in the report. When a partial payment is made to an invoice with multiple lines, it can be a bit tricky. We'll dive into that more now. 

A partial payment on an invoice is distributed across all items on invoice. Meaning, if you are charging for the site type, an inventory item (i.e. firewood), and a security deposit all on one invoice and the camper only pays the security deposit at the time of booking - it will distribute that payment based on the percentage that each item is to the total across all types listed on the invoice. 

For example, pictured below we have an invoice for Amanda Rodgers for 2 nights in a FHU-50AMP site, a security deposit, a property fee, and a baseball hat. The total on her invoice is $180.92. She only paid $105.00 at the time of booking. Therefore, when we look at the Revenue by Type report we see her $105.00 payment, minus the $5.00 booking fee, distributed across all types. 

As you see below, her $100.00 payment is distributed across each type:

Here is a breakdown of how the percentage is calculated to distribute the payment across the types: 

  1. Calculate the percentage the payment is of the total invoice amount (minus the booking fee).
  2. Calculate the item's taxes.
  3. Multiple the percentage from step 1 by the item total (without taxes). This is the Revenue for the item type.
  4. Multiple the percentage calculated in step 1 by the taxes for the item (calculated in step 2) to show how much will be applied to the item's taxes owed.
  5. Add the Revenue and Taxes to get the Capital.

Let's use the Baseball Hat to show the calculation. As you see from the invoice, the Baseball Hat costs $15.16. With the 5% tax, it is $15.92.

The invoice total minus the $5 booking fee is $175.92.

     Step 1: $100 / $175.92 = .56844 - The payment is 57% of the invoice total so 57% of the taxes will reflect as paid.

     Step 2: $15.16 * 5% = $0.76

     Step 3: 0.56844 * $15.16 = $8.62 - 57% of the hat cost is covered by the $100 payment.

     Step 4: 0.56844 * $0.76 = $0.43 paid towards hat's taxes.

     Step 5: $8.62 + $0.43 = $9.05 is Capital for the hat.

You can repeat this for the other items in the invoice to see how the $100 gets distributed across the items.

Note: If an item is added to an invoice after a payment is added, when running the report again, it will distribute all payments across all item types on the invoice.

If you have any further questions about this report, please contact us at [email protected].

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