Checking In Report

The purpose of the checking in report is to show all guests that are arriving on any given day.

There are two ways to access the checking in report. The first step is to click the reports tab on the left hand side. Then you can either double click into the arriving field on the reports dashboard, or click more reports and scroll down to the Checking In Report. 

The report only pulls for one day. You can use the calendar to view upcoming or previous days as well. It will show all guests expected to check in on that day. There is also a box at the top that counts how many have been checked in throughout the day. This report will tell you what site the guest will be staying in, their reservation number, their RV specs, the name of the guest, the time and date in which they checked in, their expected check out and their email. 

The reservation number is a clickable link that will take you directly to reservation summary. 

The checking in column will update the time stamp to the exact time that the camper is checked in. Please see below how the last reservation on the list updated from 7:00AM (the campground's scheduled check in time) to 1:03 PM, the time the guest was actually checked in. 

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