How do I set up Property Fees?

Property Fees can be added to reservations automatically. These are used by campgrounds to recoup certain costs while keeping their base rates lower. The fee will show up on each invoice grouped in the total as "Fees." 

Setting up the Property Fees:

To add Property Fees, go to Campground Settings and click on Payment. There is a "Property Fees" section. Click the "+ ADD" button to add a fee.

Set the fields for the fee charged:

Reservation Kind: Select "Online" to apply the fee to online reservations or "All Backend (Phone and Walk-in)" for manual reservations

Fee Type: There are two types of fees you may set and is controlled by the Fee Type:

1. Fixed - This will add a set amount for the fee.

2. Percentage - This will add a percentage of the reservation total for the fee.

Fee applies to: You have options to set the fee on the whole reservation total or only certain nights. The nights options are there if you want to ladder the fees based on the number of nights they are staying at your campground.

1. Whole Reservation - the fee will apply to the reservation no matter how many nights someone stays.

2. Nights Greater Than - the fee will only apply to reservations longer than the number of nights above the "Quantity" set. For example, if you have a fixed fee of $5 for anyone who stays more than one night, set Quantity to 1. If someone is staying three nights, they will have an added $5 fee for their stay. If you charge a percentage fee, the percentage is calculated on all nights the guest is staying. So if charging a 4% fee, if someone stays three nights at $50/night, there is a $6 fee added.

3. Nights Less Than - the fee will only apply to reservations shorter than the number of nights below the "Quantity" set. For example, if you have a fixed fee of $5 for anyone who stays less than three nights, set Quantity to 3. If someone is staying one or two nights, they will have an added $5 fee for their stay. If you charge a percentage fee, the percentage is calculated on all nights the guest is staying. So if charging a 4% fee, if someone stays two nights at $50/night, there is a $4 fee added.

4. Nights Equal To - the fee will only apply to reservations staying the exact number of nights the "Quantity" is set to. For example, if you have a fixed fee of $5 for anyone who stays one night, set Quantity to 1. If someone is stays one night, they will have an added $5 fee for their stay. If you charge a percentage fee, the percentage is calculated on all nights the guest is staying. So if charging a 4% fee, if someone stays three nights at $50/night, there is a $2 fee added. If someone stays for two nights, they are not charged the fee.

Quantity: If the fee applies to the Whole Reservation, set this to 1. If you set any of the Nights options, enter the number of nights.

Rate/Amount: If you selected Fixed as the Fee Type, enter the dollar amount of the set fee. If you selected Percentage as the Fee Type, enter the decimal number for the percentage charging. The percentage can be a bit tricky. You will need to enter .04 for 4%. An easy way is to enter 4 in the field and then go to the beginning and type in .0 (period zero). 

Taxes: Check boxes of any taxes that apply to the fee.

Click Save before leaving to keep your changes! 

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