Dashboard Color Codes
Watch the video below or read the following article with screenshots to learn about the color codes at the top of the dashboard.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH 2. Dashboard- Color Codes (7:03)
Dashboard Color Codes
Beige: Today
The first color that you'll see right above your dashboard grid is beige, which highlights today's date column in beige. Clicking on the top bar where it says "Today" allows for toggling the color on and off of the dashboard. We'd recommend leaving it on so you can quickly orient yourself on the dashboard.
Light Blue: Weekend
Similarly, you can toggle the weekend days, which appear as blue highlighted columns on the dashboard, off and on by clicking where it reads "Weekend" on the top bar.
The next icon you'll see is "Groups/Selected." If this feature is toggled on, you will see group reservations in your dashboard appear with a pink border color around the reservations.
Note that once you click into a group reservation, the colors will be further emphasized by making all group reservations a black bar, while the other reservations on your dashboard will be grayed out. To restore the original colors, click on the reservation again or the "Groups/Selected" icon to toggle out and back to your original view.
Clicking on the "Unassigned" icon brings up an extra row at the top of the dashboard that has thick gray lines at both the top and the bottom.
You'll notice that this bar stays fixed to the top of the screen as you scroll around on the dashboard. This feature is useful for moving reservations around on the dashboard that would require a lot of scrolling. To use the unassigned bar, start by clicking and holding down the 4 arrows on the lefthand side of the reservation you'd like to move. Then, drag the reservation into the unassigned bar and stop clicking to release the reservation. Whenever you stop moving a reservation around on the dashboard, a box will pop up to confirm the action you just made. If you are happy with the changes you made, click "Ok" to confirm the move.
Now you can scroll around easily on the dashboard with the reservation remaining at the top in the unassigned bar. Once you find the place you'd like to move the reservation to, use the 4 arrows again to move the reservation out of the unassigned bar and then confirm the move. Once you're done using the unassigned bar, Click on the "Unassigned" icon to make the bar disappear.
Green: Paid in Full
The rest of the icons up top are helpful reminders of what the colors on your dashboard mean. Green means that the guest has paid in full.
Orange: Outstanding
Orange signifies that the customer has a remaining balance of some kind, whether it be the entire bill or just a portion of it. The reservation will remain orange until that customer settles the bill because we want you to know if someone still has an outstanding balance for you to collect.
Brown: Blocked
Our next color is brown for blocked sites. Blocked sites are essentially giant sticky notes that you can place on the dashboard if you need to prevent a site from being booked online for a certain time period. While reservations show the customer's name on them, blocked sites simply say "BLOCKED." Clicking on the text at the beginning of a block or hovering over the "i" icon at the end allows for you to see the reason that you blocked that site.
To create a block, start by clicking on the "BLOCK SITE" button at the top of the dashboard.
On the following page, click on the calendar icon to select the dates that you would like to block a site for. Then, type in the reason for blocking the site. Finally, click the green "BLOCK" button on the site you would like to block. After a moment, you'll notice that a confirmation will appear at the bottom of the screen that includes the site you blocked, the dates, and an option to unblock the site if you accidentally made an error while blocking. If you need to block multiple sites, you can stay on this screen and update the calendar and reason as needed and continue to block sites, rather than returning to the dashboard each time.
Blue: Checked-in & Pink: Checked-out
A reservation will show as blue when a customer is checked in and as pink when they are checked out. These colors will only show if the customer has paid in full, so if you check in a customer with a remaining balance on their bill, their reservation will remain orange until they have settled their balance.