Platform 2.0 - Setting the Upfront Fee
The Upfront Fee is what is charged to a guest when booking through the guest portal. It is also shown as the Upfront Fee for the first payment taken when a campground user makes a reservation. Owner and manager roles are able to configure the Upfront Fee.
To set the upfront fee, click on Campground Settings, then go to Reservation Settings.

This brings you to the Campground Settings inner menu. Click on the Reservation Settings:
In the Reservation Settings, click on Fees to set up the Upfront Fee.
For the first release of 2.0, we only support setting this as a percentage of the booking total. We will continue to update as we add more options that can be set.
In the Amount field, enter a value between 1 and 100. This percentage represents the portion of the total reservation cost—covering site fees, any add-ons, and applicable taxes and fees—that will be collected as payment at the time of booking.
Be sure to click on the "Save" button when you set or change fees so they are saved.