How do I add Inventory Items?
Inventory items are used to sell store items or fees at your campground. There is the top level item and the variations under it. The example shown is if you offer a logo t-shirt with multiple sizes.
Select "Inventory" on left menu. You will be shown the list of inventory items you already have:
Click on "ADD INVENTORY ITEM" button to add a new item:
This brings up the inventory item form. Fields that are mandatory have an asterisk (*) on them. Enter the top section first:
Name: This is the field that is used to search on when adding an item to an invoice.
Category: If you have items that you would like to group together, you can create categories and choose which category you would like to put the item in here. For information on how to create an inventory category, click here.
Tax Rate: If you don't select a tax rate, the system will default to what is set in the "Taxes" section for POS items. If you have a mix of inventory items that need taxes added or as many times with fees don't charge or include them in the fee, you will want to leave the POS taxes in main "Taxes" section blank and set taxes specifically for each item.
Description: The description is displayed on the Good Sam Booking reserve site for campers who want to make a reservation online.
Terms: If terms are given for a specific item, the customer must agree to them prior to them being added to the cart.
Item Images: You can upload a photo of your merchandise here.
Make available on reservation?: Check this box if you want this item to display to campers when making online reservations. It shows up when they start to enter their Camper Information.
Only available as an Upsell?: Check this box if this item can only be purchased with a reservation.
Add as per night reservation charge?: Check this box if this should be charged for each night of a person's stay when added to a reservation. This is useful for an extra add-on fee per night such as cable or pet fee.
Featured: This flag isn't currently being used. Can leave unchecked.
Next, you can click the Orange plus sign in Variations section to add the different pricing levels.
This pops up the Variation form to enter:
Name: Enter name that will make sense to tell differences between different variations. The example given is Adult T-Shirt, Youth T-Shirt. If you don't have a variation in pricing such as "Cable Fee" as the Inventory Item and there is just one price, you can use the same name for the Variation.
Price: Enter the cost for the item.
SKU: (Stock Keeping Unit) Optional field you can use for tracking.
Track Stock: Check box if you want to system to keep a count on in stock items left. Each time one is sold through adding to an invoice, the system will update the In Stock inventory. This field works with the "In Stock" field.
In Stock: Enter how many of this item you have in stock.
Alert: Check box to receive email notification when you run low on this item. This field works with the "In Stock" and "Low Stock (alert at)" fields.
Low Stock (alert at): Enter a number where you would like to receive an email telling you in stock has reached this number.
Click Save button after you filled in variation form. Variation added to Inventory Item. Click Save button on the Inventory Item to completely save all changes.
Inventory item is now available and can be added to an invoice. Go to "How do I add an inventory item to a reservation?" article to see how to add an item to a reservation.